Centre Management

Best practice guidelines, templates and governance resources for Netball Centre Management.

Empowering dynamic leadership, innovation and operational excellence.


As a Netball Centre, there are different requirements about what policies and documents you need to adopt, follow, report and review. Our aim is to provide Centres with links to examples, templates and the resources needed to act as a best practice tool kit.

This content aims to assist small to medium size Netball Centres in New Zealand, however it’s still relevant to larger Centres too. These resources will be added to over time.

It is not intended that every Netball Centre have all of these policies and documents. This is a guideline so please discuss and select what is most relevant and important for your Centre.

The top 12 things required by Centres are:

  • Be registered as an Incorporated Society
  • Constitution
  • Regulations
  • AGM
  • Health & Safety Policy with Risk Management and Incident/Accident Reporting Processes
  • Safe Netball for Children Policy
  • Other policies if not covered in your constitution: Conflict of Interest Policy, Privacy Policy
  • Annual Report (including Financial Report)
  • Register of Members
  • Membership Return to Zone/NNZ
  • Annual Centre Plan
  • Annual Budget

These are also highly recommended:

  • Centre Strategic Plan
  • Funding Plan
  • Role Descriptions
  • Volunteer Management Plan
  • Asset Management Plan
  • Digital Communications Policy
  • Centre Self-Reflection Tool (PDF or Digital)

We have used an asterisk (*) to identify resources which are required either as an Incorporated Society or by NNZ. These documents are listed under “Essential documents”.

A double asterisk (**) means a policy or document is highly recommended. You do not have to have the specific policy that we offer an example of here, the intention is to let you know that you need it.

Resources/ guidance on specific programme areas such as coaching, umpiring have not been included here. This is intended as a high-level Centre overview. Coaching and Umpiring resources can be found on NNZ Sport Tutor or the NNZ Resource Library.

Feedback: Centres, if you have a template you are happy to share or any feedback/ requests about content, please send it to Jenna (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


This content is provided by NNZ as a guide and is not intended to replace or act as legal advice. We encourage you to seek further legal information as needed.

Essential Documents

Annual Report
Annual General Meeting
Balance is Better
  • Constitution *
    NNZ version
  • Centre Constitution
    NNZ are working to develop a Centre template once the ISA changes are confirmed. There is no rush to update your Constitution so please wait to do so until we provide this.
Digital Boost
  • Digital Boost website
    An initiative from the NZ Government for small businesses. Free sign up with access to hundreds of helpful videos, tutorials and information about all things digital.
Incorporated Societies Act
Members and Membership
Participation and Programmes

Annual Financial Reporting / Return
Grants and Funding
  • Grants and Funding
    Coming soon!
Sponsorship Policy

Marketing, brand and templates
Social Media

Centre Reflection Tools
Conflict of Interest Register
  • Conflict of Interest *
    Sport NZ, information around what is a conflict of interest plus a Conflicts of Interest Policy
Policies and Procedures
Event Management
Succession Planning
NNZ Policies & Documents
  • NNZ CX Strategy
    NNZ Customer Service Strategy full version (there is an abridged version in the NNZ resource library)

Communication and data
Child Protection & Safeguarding
Diversity and Inclusion
Health and Safety
  • NetballSmart Website
    NetballSmart is Netball New Zealand's Official Injury Prevention Programme. There are resources here for parents, players, coaches and administrators.

  • Awards Policy
Organisational Culture
People Management
Personal Development

Helpful Resources