10 months ago

Top team support helps get mum to NZ Open Champs

The term full team effort carries more significance than usual for the Howick Pakuranga team at this week’s NetballSmart Netball NZ Open Champs being played at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin.

Previously part of the Counties Manukau Cluster, and wanting to give their players every opportunity to participate at a national tournament, Howick Pakuranga decided to enter their own team this year and that meant finding a way to include Katie Winchester, a solo mum.

With plenty of background support, Winchester, was able to take her place in the team while one-year-old son Rome was also included in the travelling party. She, otherwise, would not have been able to attend.

A physiotherapist, Winchester was initially asked to fill that role for the team but with Rome that was unworkable. She was then asked to come as a player and with the help of a travelling parent and endless attention from the team, Rome has settled in swimmingly to netball life on the sidelines.

“He’s a very active one-year-old, so he loves any ball sports and I don’t really need toys if there’s a tennis ball or netball around. He’s loving it and, of course, all the attention from the girls, he’s just thriving with that,” Winchester said.

“It’s definitely a huge team effort and I would not be able to do this without my team and all the management and what-not.

“There’s a few familiar faces down here in Dunedin, so when I look over to the sideline, I see baby’s been stolen and taken away to be given lots of cuddles from lots of different people. Everybody else has been taking care of him for me which is nice.”

Turning out at U18 level several years ago, Winchester, 27, has made a return to netball in recent times and is revelling in her first national champs experience.

“It’s really cool,” she said.

“I have certainly missed the team environment. I know a few other mums in the tournament and it’s definitely different having two hats on but my team’s making that really easy in taking most of the responsibilities away from me, just so I can focus on playing.

“But it does feel good to have this opportunity at this level to play which I didn’t really think I’d get.”

Predominantly a wing defence with a little bit of in-circle defence thrown in, Winchester has a huge connection to Howick Pakuranga and the opportunity to combine motherhood with playing has reignited her love of the game.

“Having come down to the tournament and seeing that I can actually do it with a baby has kind of made me passionate about netball again,” she said.

“I lost it for a little bit there but being able to play and not feel too broken afterwards, I’m certainly now looking to play again next year.

“I have played under Howick Pakuranga my whole life since I was about seven years old, and obviously it was a huge step for us to come away from the Counties Manukau Cluster and bring our own team down here.

“It’s the first time for us and I’m just really proud of what we’ve been able to achieve so far. It’s so much fun and I’m playing with some of the girls that I grew up playing with, so it’s been a cool opportunity.”

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