Netball New Zealand and Cadbury have recognised five Netball Centres from around the country who continue to celebrate their community volunteers through the Cadbury Volunteer ‘Thanks Packs’ – and they are set to do it all again with more chocolate packs on the way for the 2021 season.
Netball remains one of the largest volunteer sports in New Zealand and the Cadbury ‘Thanks Packs’ has been an initiative to celebrate and recognise the hard-working volunteers who support the sport.
Five Centres including Hutt Valley, Taranaki, Waiuku, Hamilton and Motueka were recently visited by NNZ and recognised as 2020’s most engaged in the Cadbury Initiatives including Volunteer of the Month and Volunteer of the Year.
Each of the Centres was presented with framed, signed Silver Fern dresses to acknowledge their involvement.
NNZ Head of Community Ruth Stanley said they were delighted to recognise Centres who got behind their volunteers and they were able to continue to do this through an important partnership with Cadbury.
“There are so many volunteers who contribute to our game in a variety of ways,” she said. “It is really important to celebrate those individuals and groups who sweep the courts, collect the scorecards, wash the bibs, umpire, and coach or manage – the people who dedicate their time to ensure our netball community can thrive.
“Through our partnership with Cadbury we have that chance to acknowledge and reward those volunteers while also raising the awareness of the work volunteers do.”
Netball Centres around the country are in the midst of a new season and will again have the opportunity to thank their volunteers with Cadbury providing 49,000 ‘Thanks Packs’ for 2021.
The Cadbury packs are set to arrive in June and will include a block of chocolate with a message of thanks.
If you want to find out more information about volunteering for netball click here.
Rachel Browne-Cole and Kim Voigt from Waiuku Netball Centre.
Dress presented to Stephanie Christoffersen, Motueka Netball Centre by Geni Ah Tong from Netball Mainland