4 months ago

2024 Voice of Participant Survey shows positive trends in Netball

The results of the 2024 Voice of Participant (VOP) Survey have been released, showcasing encouraging trends for netball in New Zealand. Key metrics indicate that ‘overall participant satisfaction’ and ‘value for money’ scores are at their highest levels since 2016.


“The insights highlight the fantastic work being done across the country to support the game and enhance the player experience,” said Irene van Dyk, Participation Manager at Netball New Zealand.

The survey, delivered by Sport NZ in collaboration with national sport organisations, has been running since 2016 and provides valuable feedback from participants on their experiences, motivations and challenges within their sport.

“This year we have 92% of participants telling us they are satisfied, very satisfied or extremely satisfied with their experience of the game. This result is two percentage points above where we were in 2022 and nine percentage points above the results from the first survey in 2016,” said van Dyk.

Netball New Zealand uses the VOP insights along with other data, to inform its programme and strategy development.  Zones will use the results to guide their own planning and decision- making process ensuring they are addressing their unique needs.

“Individualised reports enable Zones and Centres to align their efforts with participants' priorities – we have to put the player in the centre of what we do – and these insights help make that happen,” van Dyk explained.

Participants cited a "friendly and welcoming" environment as the most important factor for recommending netball to others, closely followed by perceptions of ‘value for money’ and ‘support in fulfilling their potential’.

Notably, players aged 5-12 reported the most positive experiences of the game. And satisfaction among Māori and Pacifica participants has seen significant improvements since 2022.

At a national level, players indicated that improvement is needed in player development programmes, officiating, and the availability of playing opportunities.

In response, Netball New Zealand is set to launch several initiatives in 2025, including:

  • A Year 9/10 Player Development Programme
  • An Umpire Development Programme for aspiring umpires
  • Implementation of Woolworths futureFERNS sprint recommendations for coaching resource accessibility, alongside additional Zone Coach Lead support for Woolworths futureFERNS coaches
  • Development of the Netball New Zealand Facilities Strategy

This year's survey engaged 6,425 participants from across New Zealand, reflecting a significant increase in involvement. Parents of young players under 14 contributed to the survey, offering insights into their children’s experiences.

For a comprehensive look at the findings, you can access the full 42-page Netball Voice of Participant report here.

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